
The study courses for achieving the first-level academic diploma of the School of Sculpture aim to train artistic skills and qualified professionalism, considering the pluralism of languages and innovations in techniques that characterize the contemporary world. Graduates must be able to develop their research in sculpture, linked to traditional methods and its elaboration in the context of experimenting with new expressive languages.

Students' works

Corso Scultura triennio
Corso Scultura triennio
Corso Scultura triennio
Corso Scultura triennio


Graduates must possess:

  • An adequate technical-operational mastery of methods and contents about the research sectors in the fields of the arts, techniques, and technologies of sculpture;
  • A methodological and critical tools suitable for the acquisition of skills of expressive languages, of the most advanced techniques and related technologies;
  • Excellent knowledge of at least one European Union language, in addition to the mother
  • Adequate skills and tools for communication and information management, particularly information technology tools.

Employment prospects

Sculptor and visual artist
The graduate in the sculpture course will be an artist of both traditional and contemporary sculptural expression techniques. The ability to experiment with new relationships between form and color will allow us to get in touch with the dynamics of the current market. You will be able to express your professionalism on a personal level and in projects and exhibitions in the fields of public art and visual and creative arts.

Graduates will be able to collaborate, through various fields of application, in the planning, design, and implementation of specific sculpture installations, combining the tools of tradition in architecture and urban planning within the sectors of restoration and new technologies, and new expressions linguistic features found in national and international events.

The Academy will organize, in agreement with public and private bodies, the most appropriate internships and apprenticeships to contribute to the achievement of specific professional skills and will further define, for each course of study, specific training models.